Thursday, December 14, 2023

Keep Creative


I expect we’ve all had moments of lagging creativity, some more than others and some for longer than others. However brief or extended your creative lapse, the first thing we must do is accept it. Creativity cannot be forced.

It is better to honour the fatigue and have patience with yourself. If outside/world influences are to blame, consider Stephen Covey’s ‘circle of influence’ (7 Habits of Highly Effective People). If we cannot personally control it, it is out of our hands and therefore we need waste no energy worrying about it.

Hone your focus: find some replacement stimulation through photographs, music or aroma; work as freely as your mood will allow you (or not at all if it feels best to take time off) and remember to acknowledge even the smallest of achievements.

If you write one sentence, or even one word, praise yourself for it and issue a reward – something as simple as a cup of tea or five minutes closing your eyes and doing nothing. This gratitude will soon cause more creativity.

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